長岡東西道路現場見学 (Nagaoka east-west road construction site)
(21st January, 2008)
佐渡の海へ (To the sea in Sado)
(25th August, 2007)
中国の大学訪問 (Visiting to University in China)
(20th - 29th April, 2007)
ベトナムの大学訪問 (Visiting to University in Vietnam)
(27th - 31st March, 2007)
シンガポールとマレーシアの大学訪問 (Visiting to Universities in Singapore and Malaysia)
(17th - 23rd March, 2007)
土研,防災科研訪問 (Visiting to PWRI and NIED)
(5th February, 2007)
ぶらっと福岡 (Sightseeing in Fukuoka)
(29th and 30th January, 2007)
信濃川での地層調査 (Investigation of strata in Shinano River)
(30th November and 1st December, 2005)
マレーシアの大学訪問 (Visiting to Universities in Malaysia)
(4th - 8th October, 2005)
佐渡での講演 (Lecture in Sado)
(14th March, 2005)
タイでのワークショップ (Workshop in Thailand)
(21st - 27th November, 2004)
長岡花火 (Fireworks in Nagaoka)
(3rd August, 2004)
水無渓谷探訪記 (Mizunashi ravine)
(1st August, 2004)
高舘トンネル現場見学 (Takadate tunnel construction site)
(29th July, 2004)
第39回地盤工学研究発表会 (The 39th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering)
(7th to 9th July, 2004)
米山粘土を求めて三十里 (Finding Yoneyama clay)
(5th June, 2004)
浦川原1号トンネル工事現場 (Uragawara No.1 tunnel construction site)
(28th January, 2004)
大河津分水 (Ohkouzu flood-control channel)
(2nd August, 2003)
新潟地すべり見学会 (Landslides in Niigata)
(29th July, 2003)
八十里越えトンネル工事現場 (Hachijyurigoe tunnel construction site)
(23rd July, 2003)
日本 - フィリピンワークショップ (Japan - Philippine Workshop)
(10th - 15th November, 2002)
小新ポンプ場工事現場 (Excavation site in Koshin)
(23rd October, 2002)
すべての道はローマに通ずる (All roads lead to Rome)
(13th - 17th August, 2002)
奥只見,大鳥ダム (Okutadami and Ohtori dam)
(29th July, 2002)
北へ行こう (Go up north)
(20th, 21st, 27th and 28th April, 2002)
守門村の斜面崩壊 (Slop failure in Sumon village)
(2nd February, 2002)
一筆書きの旅 Ver. 1 (Loop around trip by train)
(27th - 29th January, 2002)