
 9/25日にB4の実務訓練壮行会を行いました.本研究室では6名が今年度の実務訓練に行きます. 実務訓練壮行会は鍋を用意しました.電気が繋がらないというちょっとしたアクシデントもありましたが,みんなでおいしい鍋を楽しめたと思います.
 会の最後には毎年恒例の実務訓練の意気込みをB4に熱く語ってもらいました. 技大の実務訓練は他の大学ではなかなか経験できないことだと思います!人生でなかなかないチャンスを楽しんできてください!あと,実務訓練の時期は寒い日が続くと思うのでお体にはお気を付けください.

 On September 25th, we held a send-off party for B4 students. This year there are 6 students who will go for the practical training. We prepared hotpot this time and although there was a slight accident that electricity was not well connected at the beginning, everyone enjoyed the delicious hotpot.
 At the end of the meeting, B4 students were passionately talked about their enthusiasm for the upcoming practical training. The practical training program of Nagaoka University of Technology is something that you can't experience at other universities. Therefore, we hope that the students will take advantage of this precious opportunity ! Also, be careful about your body as it seems that cold weather will continue during the next months.




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