M2修士論文発表会 地盤研HP原稿

 2020年2月20日・21日に修士2年修士論文発表会がありました.本研究室からは9人のM2が発表しました.2年間様々な苦労がありましたが,このように素晴らしい発表ができてよかったと思います. M2の先輩方まずはお疲れさまでした.そして残り1か月M1への引継ぎや修士論文の仕上げを頑張ってください!

 The Master's Thesis Presentation was held on February 20 and 21, 2020. Our laboratory had nine M2 students to present this time. Even though there were various difficulties in two years, seeing such wonderful presentations we can’t help but be very glad.
 First of all, to M2 seniors of Geotechnical Engineering Lab, thank you for all your hard work and we wish that you will do your best to finish the Master's Thesis. Apart from that is the transferring procedure to M1 students in one month remaining !


1F Samb1F BAU8F 尾崎8F桐生

1F Thinh8F中田1F 早川8F 山之内

1F 吉田

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