

 On June 9, 2018, the champions cup softball for Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering was held. Although it rained in the morning and yard was very slippery but everyone's effort, we won the whole victory.
 Members of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory not only in M2 and M1 but also B4 participated in the match. However, we worried because others teams seemed to be quite strong.
 Although the members played very well in the opening round of the afternoon session, but we were lost by the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, so we only won the Third place. This year we couldn't win the championship, but we want to keep a beautiful memorial to the M2 sempai, and create a close relationship with B4 members. Finally, we will try to the best in the match in next year.  After the game the BBQ party was celebrated. At the first time Sugimoto Professor gave a greeting and started from a toast. We felt that the relationship between members became closer by participating in the event together.









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