My research


  1. Mechanical properties of saturated soils
    1. Mechanical properties of saturated cohesive soil with shear history under three dimensional stress conditions
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      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")
    2. Application of the elastic boundary induced by shear history on saturated cohesive soil
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      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")
    3. Shear and liquefaction characteristics of sandy soils in triaxial tests
      1. HTML
      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")

  2. Mechanical properties of unsaturated soils
    1. Effects of stress history due to unsaturation and drainage conditions on shear properties of unsaturated cohesive soil
      1. HTML
      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")
    2. Mechanical properties of unsaturated cohesive soil in consideration of tensile stress
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      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")
    3. Failure criterion of unsaturated soil considering tensile stress under three-dimensional stress conditions
      1. HTML
      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")

  3. Natural disasters
    1. Evaluation of dike and natural slope failure induced by heavy rainfall in Niigata on 13 July 2004
      1. HTML
      2. PDF file (Password is "toyota")

  4. Others
    1. Effects of shaking conditions and material properties on dynamic behaviour of Terre Armee foundation and 3-hinge arch
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