The hollow-cylindrical torsional shear apparatus and the automatic control system used were the same as those introduced in Toyota et al. (2001).
Two types of cohesive soils were used in this study. One is a lateritic soil, which is referred to as Yoneyama sandy silt. It is the same soil used in Toyota et al. (2001). The other is Kaolin clay. The physical properties of the soils are summarized in Table 1 and the grain size distribution curves are shown in Fig. 1. Although Yoneyama sandy silt contains no less than 20\% sand, Kaolin clay does not contain sand and it is mainly clay. Although the consolidation time of Kaolin clay is five times longer than that of Yoneyama sandy silt, the liquid limit of Kaolin clay is the same as that of Yoneyama sandy silt.
Soil and de-aired water were mixed and stirred well to make a slurry. The water content of the slurry was about 80% in Yoneyama sandy silt and 100% in Kaolin clay. Pre-consolidation using this slurry was performed one-dimensionally in a mold under a vertical pressure of 45kPa in the case of Yoneyama sandy silt and 70kPa in the case of Kaolin clay. This vertical stress was selected from the minimum vertical stress at which the specimen can maintain its shape during trimming. The water content of the consolidated soil block was about 40% in Yoneyama sandy silt and 46% in Kaolin clay. The hollow-cylindrical specimen was made by trimming from this soil block.
The stress and strain parameters used in this research are the same as those used in Toyota et al. (2001). The values of α, b during the shear history and the shear, which are differentiated by using subscript letters, are referred to as αh, bh and αs, bs, respectively.
The torsional shear tests were performed on the specimens, which were subjected to four processes, as follows.
A back pressure of 200 kPa was applied to all specimens throughout all the processes to obtain full saturation, in which Skempton's B values (Skempton, 1954) were greater than 0.98. The stress conditions during the shear history process and during the drained shear process are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 summarizes the case of Yoneyama sandy silt and Table 3 summarizes the case of Kaolin clay.
These four processes are illustrated in Fig. 2.